Round n round you go. Where you stop, I don’t care.
Ran into that lame-o baddie, Vertigone (or as I call him “Spin-a-roonie”), today. He really hates it when I come busting into whatever evilry he’s doin’. Mostly ‘cause his powers don’t work on me. You know, on account of me not always walkin right and being all that coordinateded in the first place.
I was out making a deposit at the bank, the real bank not the bank Mofo always goes to, ‘cause it’s pay day; and there he was making a withdraw of moneys that wasn’t his. Get it? See how I said he was robbing it but I said “making a withdraw”? Never mind. Anyhoo, he was using his stupid ass, gadget thingy on everyone in the bank; and was yelling at my favorite tell her, Suzie (she’s cute and smells like vanilla).
Spin-a-roonie heard the bell tinkle (hee hee… tinkle) when I came in and turned his gadget thing on me. Or tried to, anyways. Soon as he realized it was me, he just started cussing. I seem to be getting that a lot lately. I just walked over to him and smacked that stupid gadgety-thing right out of his hands, but before I could do anything to him, Suzie whacked him in the back of the noggin with her big ol’ name plate that says “Suzie” on it. Easy cheesy.
So she knocked him out and got the credit, I got to break some techno-crap, the moneys were saved, I made my deposit, and a good time was had by alls. Well, ‘cept for Verti-goon. Heh. That was a pretty good one: Verti-goon. AND, after I made my deposit (which took freakin forever), I got a free lollipop!