The more I drink, the stronger I get! And I use that to fight crime...when I'm conscious anyways. So evil-doers beware! But don't do evil during Happy Hour. It's just not right.

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Legal Beagle

Legal Beagle’s my new attorney. AND he’s an actual Beagle. I swears.

I had to get a new one after my old attorney, Ira Lowenstein, skipped town on his own bail with his new secretary Macey.

Anyways, I had to find a new lawyer after the cops broke up my friendly neighborhood underground superhero fight club, and threatened to arrest me for unlawful somethingoranother. Whiles I was letting my fingers do the walking in the ol’ Yellow Pages, I came across his ad. It said something about digging though garbage and sniffing out the truth or something. It was his picture of him holding a gavel in his mouth that sold me. Soooo cute.

The whole cute thing is just an act though. He’s really super-duper smart, I mean like super genius smart, and is really really serious. And he took my case pro boner because he really has a red rocket on for the cops who always call him “McGruff”. Hee hee.. it is kinda funny though. Don’t tell him I said that.

So it looks like I’m in good hands, er paws, with Legal Beagle. He says they have no case because I made everyone sign waivers and there’s nothing in the city coordinates about having fight clubs. But he says just to be safe I need to shut it all down.

Damn. Just when I was having a good, makin’ money hobby. Guess I’ll go back to either my arts n crafts or my pictures of the homeless people of the ‘Boro.

Heh heh heh… “McGruff”.



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