Missing Peoples
Has anyone seen Ted? I haven't seen him since he left to go home in San Fransisco. He was supposed to take me to the Zoo today. I finally get to go back now, after that whole poo flinging thing with the monkeys. Man, they can dish it out, but they can't take it.
Seriously, where's Ted? I wanna go see the penguins do it. It aint natural.

I think that's him...it's what came up when I put in "Ted, my roommate" in Google.
He's no fun. All he ever wants to do is go look at the bats for some reason. Always mumbling something about a stupid cave.
Friday, 02 December, 2005
Dude, the Rev ain't allowed at the Zoo. Something about a 'list' and a lot of young boys. I don't know all the details.
For the record count me out. The flame-bellied toads don't really do anything with flames. I was very disappointed.
I think Pretty Boy Slim might, take you. He told me a story about how zoo keepers are easy. Of course knowing PBS you'll have to find another ride home.
And for that matter I think Ted owes me $5.
Saturday, 03 December, 2005
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