The more I drink, the stronger I get! And I use that to fight crime...when I'm conscious anyways. So evil-doers beware! But don't do evil during Happy Hour. It's just not right.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Holdin' it down

Where the heck is everybody? It’s just me hangin out at the ol’ head-q until Mofo gets back. He said that against his better judgement and some new insurance policies, that he needed me to hold down the fort until he can get back from patrol and looking for everyone. And by everyone, I mean the guys. And the Slut. Basically he’s out looking for A.S.S. Heh heh heheh. That’s sounds dirty. “Mofo’s out looking for ASS.” “What kind of ass, LC?” “Why any kinda ass he can get. Kinda like The Slut!” Hehehheh.

Anyhoo. I’m holdin down the fort by actually closing the door (unlike some people who aren’t here) and watching the tube. Also by drinking the milk before it expires tomorrow. And since I’m doin them that favor of not wasting milk, I have to have cookies to go with it. You can’t have milk without cookies. It’s a law or something I heard. And I’m not one to break the laws. Normally.

So I’m just “chillaxin” like the kids say. Waitin’ for Mofo to get back. Wish he’d hurry up. It’s kinda boring here. I’m outta beer, there’s noone to play Xbox with, Bongo’s off doing God knows what, and I’m running out of ways to entertain myself that don’t involve fire or building something with furniture.

I guess it takes Mofo a while when he’s out looking for ASS. Hehehehheheheh



Blogger Liquid Courage said...

Okey dokey. Let's rearrange us some bad guy butts!

And my bad. I rectumfied the problem.

Thursday, 22 June, 2006


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