Monkey-ing around
I finally get to go to the zoo again. That jerkwater ex-roommate Ted was supposed to go and take me to the Zoo here in town. But he up and dissappeared. Huh. Did we ever find Ted?
Irregardlessly, Mofo said he'd take me to the Zoo! He's lucky enuf to work with some monkey named Taffy every day, or as he says: 8 fucking million hours.
I guess me and Mofo are on the up and up again. What does up and up mean anyways? Isn't that what Superman says when he runs off? Whatever.
his only simulation was that I leave Bongo at home. Or somewhere. Just not with us. He really got creeped out after he read my letter to him and said Bongo learned to speak. Oh well, more fun for me!
I can't wait! I'm gonna play with the monkey, ride a bear, box a kangaroo, eat some peanuts and cotton candy and hotdogs and nachos, and swim with sharks, and kick a elephant in the junk.
It's gonna rule!

I'm gonna ride ya, Mr. Bear!
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