The more I drink, the stronger I get! And I use that to fight crime...when I'm conscious anyways. So evil-doers beware! But don't do evil during Happy Hour. It's just not right.

Friday, April 28, 2006

Movin' on out, to the south side...

Craaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaap. Now what am I sposed to do?

There was a shit-storm (eww) in City Hall today and the Mayor got impeached (remember, it’s not what you think it is). And along with that, those stupid politians went and froze his money and stuff which can’t be dethawed and means that I don’t have my super-swanky HQ anymore. And I have to move out. No more bar. No more ex-ball pit. No more self-installed fire pole.

Now Bongo and I are homeless like Crazy Leonard up the street. He’s always going on about some kinda alien invasion or somethin. Sayin that there gonna come and take out the worlds heroes and then make everyone slaves and stuff. I was worried for a second until he followed that up with he heard it from a horse name Jumbles and that he used to be Captain Megaton. Which is crazy because I don’t ever remember a Captain Megaton.

Anyhoo, Bongo and I are gonna go crash at the Why for as long as they’ll let us. I have to give them a fake name this time though. They won’t let good ol’ LC stay there after last time. But I have a good fake ID that says my name’s James Bond and I’m a “Federal Boobie Inspector”. I just hope that they hav a computer I can use to update yous guys, ‘cause the politians won’t let me take this one with me. Only what I brought in: Me, Bongo, a pair of dirty underpants, half a Cuban sandwich, a Mickey’s, and $7.37.

But I’m stealing the lamp from the hallway and the paddleball game from the living room.

You know, unless anybody's got a place I can crash for a little while...



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