The more I drink, the stronger I get! And I use that to fight crime...when I'm conscious anyways. So evil-doers beware! But don't do evil during Happy Hour. It's just not right.

Sunday, October 22, 2006

So... I guess no more handball inside…

So The Reverend and I were watchin’ TV the other day and there was absolutely nothing on. I mean nothing. The Reverend was even bored with yelling at all the Jesus channels. So we decided we needed a little exercise and sportsguyship.

Handball it was.

So we moved all the furniture into the meeting room (well I moved, Rev just pointed and told me where to put stuff) and drew some squares on the wall with my newly acquired crayons (shoulda taken ‘em with ya, PI). And let the games begin.

You know, for a scrawny little guy, The Rev is surprisingly powerful. Not to mention quick, agile, sneaky, shifty, tricky, cheaty and a few other things that I’ll leave out cause I think there’s kids that read this.

Anyhoo, we were at the last point of the first match and I needed one more point to win. Well the courage was a-flowin’, I got a little excited and I um, accidentally sent that little rubber ball through the wall and into Mofo’s room. A quick “D’oh!” from me and a “Ooooooh…” from The Rev later, and he went and checked after we heard something that sounded like a plate breaking.

At first we thought it was one of Mofo’s Wizard of Oz collectible plates that he has the whole series of. But Rev came tearin’ through the livin room, down the stairs and out the door before I could even ask him what it was. So I had to go Batman it myself.

It wasn’t the commemerative plates. It was Mofo’s old cookie jar that was filled with dirt and given to him by Poppa Slappy. The one I see him talking to sometimes when he doesn’t think anybody’s around.

And it was in itty bitty pieces with the dirt all over the place.

Now I knew why the Rev took off like a candy thief bein’ chased by SK’s little brother. And seeing as how I apparently won the game due to forfit, I needed to do the same. I had to find a way to fix this. But I needed some brain fuel first.

To be continueded…



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