The more I drink, the stronger I get! And I use that to fight crime...when I'm conscious anyways. So evil-doers beware! But don't do evil during Happy Hour. It's just not right.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Dinner and a show!

Mofo and I were out on patrols the other day/night (I forgot what that time is called in-between day and night), and we so totally mopped up the sidewalk with some ninjas.

I guess Mofo’s still bein perused by that Mr. Showbiz guy that used to clean up all Mofo’s clothes when they smelled bad and stuff. I just usually wait long enough and then all of a sudden I wake up in the tub with the shower running and then there’s all my clothes laying in a pile in the living room all clean. I don’t know if I get drunk and do laundry myself or what, but I’m gonna go ahead and rule out the “clean clothes Fairy” theory I had before. I just hasn’t panned out like I thought. Plus I’m tired of waiting around my dirty clothes at night with a net.

Anyhoo, we were out getting some of that sushi stuff from that Kyoto Express place across town; when on our way out, Mofo bumped into this little guy in all black. I think Mofo was about to compliment the guy on his choice of style, but then all of a sudden got pissed off. It took me a seconds to notice that the guy was a freakin ninja. Now normally, I hear people yell out “Holy shit! Ninjas!” (especially that big, black cop. He freaks the heck out.) when they see ninjas. Mofo’s been so jaded with the guys lately, that he was all like “*sigh* Fuckin’ ninjas…” and then punched the little guy right in the face.

Then it seemed like ninjas came from outta the potted plants in the restaurant, from under cars and off the roof. Hell, I even expected the sushi chefs to come after us. But they didn’t. As Mofo and I just pummeled those tiny assassins (hee hee “ass”), I heard one of the chefs yellin something about takin’ all this nonsense over to Nikko Express and mess up their restaurant instead. I have to admit tho, the thought of all us stopping and just piling into a truck and hauling over to Nikko only to resume the fight did make me chuckle. Mofo yelled at me and told me to keep “pummeling these pajama wearing, slanty-eyed nips into the ground”. His words, not mine.

When we left, I heard Mofo say something to one of the ninjas about Mr. Showbiz. I don’t know what it was but it did make Mofo chuckle to himself afterwards. (How come he gets to laugh and I don’t?)

It was a fun night out. But an hour later I was hungry again and strangely felt like beating up some more ninjas…



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