The more I drink, the stronger I get! And I use that to fight crime...when I'm conscious anyways. So evil-doers beware! But don't do evil during Happy Hour. It's just not right.

Friday, March 17, 2006

How do you say "I'm gonna hurl" in Irish?

Happyy SAint Patty's dAy!!!!

Man. Theese Irish guys can drink. I meen, I thought alls they new was potatoes and tape. And hoo's this saint Patty anyways? Was she hot? She sounds like she'd be hott. Any hoo, I found the perfect shirt logo for me today:

Just right for fighting crime for good old SaINt Patttty.

These Irishh guys like me so much, they says they wished they have a super dooper guyy like me with them in in the IRS or whatever it is...wait....

Potatoe. po-ta-toe. That's a funny word. Hey guys come eere! Potatoe! hahahahaha



Blogger Liquid Courage said...

Yes, I know: one hell of a pinata. Those things are great. You beat the snot out of 'em and get free stuff when they bust open. Except that time I beat up The Living Pinata. All I got was blood and refried beans...

Friday, 17 March, 2006

Blogger Liquid Courage said...

Yes, I've been lucky. I've lived in houses and RVs for the better part of what I can remember of my life. Well, except for the 2 weeks period of living in a real "shelter" until they booted me out for violating some stupid substance abuse rules. I dunno what substance I abused, but I maintain that I did not abuse anyone except my liver. After that, I was living in a shack outside a big house and then on a park I ahven't always been so sheltered. But thanks for caring, I guess...

Friday, 17 March, 2006


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