I got nothing...
Ummmmm....What the Hell happened? Why does the man on TV say it's Janruary? It's only like Decembrer 23th or something, right? I mean, I was just doing the whole mall Santa thing last night. And why do I feel so tired and banged up? I don't get real banged up much. What frickin' day is it?
Why is there a trophy in my bed under the blankets? And what's with the pamplet for "2005 Superpower Brawling Holiday Spectacular" stapled to my shirt? WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE???? The stupid drawing doesn't even look like me, well kinda. I mean, I have waaay more hair than that. But that is a pretty good likeness of Bongo...
And who the fuck are these clowns?
Something's not kosher around here, and I wanna know what's going on. And what kosher means too.
Super-human death match? What the hell is that?
"The Utilities"? Are they new enemies of ours or something?
I'm confused here...
Wednesday, 04 January, 2006
We gotta fight someone now? Who? The Ultimates? I thought you said Captain America wasn't real. I don't wanna get hit by that shield.
Wednesday, 04 January, 2006
Hey, Mofo, I'll bet you a bottle of Jager, that LC wins, but passes out before he can claim the trophy.
Oh, LC since I forgot to get you a Christmas present, I'll buy you a case of Pepe Lopez Tequila, so you can power up for your match.
Thursday, 05 January, 2006
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