Non-denominational Holiday Party '05!
That's what I've tentativly named this year's "holiday" party. Yeah, "holiday".
Mofo won't let us call it the "Christmas" party anymore because he's afraid of offending someone because we're not being PC. I don't know what the hell Providence College has to do with our party, but The Reverend is all kinds of pissed off, or full of Heavenly Rage as he calls it.
Anyhoo, I've taken it upon myself to plan and decorate for the "party". I want it to be fun and not end like last year's. Geez, Louise that was weird.
Anytime that I end up the least drunk one at the party, things have taken a wrong turn. Well, come to think of it... that was a really good party. From what I saw on the video tape anyways. Mofo set up a "hidden" video camera to record the whole thing for insurance purposes he claims. I'm not sure how "hidden" a camera is when you have it sticking out from in between 2 pink teddy bears in the corner of teh room.
So I have lots to go and plan for for next week. I'll let you guys know how things are going later. For now I'm going to see a man about renting a live raindeer and 2 tons of snow. There will NOT be another midget belly dancing elf agian this year I can promise you...ewww.
That's not the part I had the problem with. The bad part was that he got all powered up on Jesus Juice and started lecturing us all with his pants around his ankles. Apparently underwear is not a part of The Reverend's outfit.
Tuesday, 20 December, 2005
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