The more I drink, the stronger I get! And I use that to fight crime...when I'm conscious anyways. So evil-doers beware! But don't do evil during Happy Hour. It's just not right.

Friday, December 16, 2005

My mugshot isn't up on The Smoking Gun anymore

Recently I've had some fans email me to ask me what I look like. They must have not been from The 'Boro. 'Cause everyone knows me in The 'Boro. 'Cause I'ma superhero...and I fight crime.

But anyhoo, I started to tell them to just Gooogle me (hee hee, that sounds dirty), but I saw that those Gooooogle-ly bastards didn't have my picture up there in their pages. Just pictures of alcohol (which is cool), some surfing stuff, a couple a cartoons, a crappy hippie jam band, a bunch of people who are NOT me, and this asshole.

So in order to familiarize yourselfs with me, just in case you see me and want to say "Hey!", here is a picture to help you recognize me:

Or to help with recognizeining all of us, you can go see the video that some camera crew came and made about us.

They said it was for a dockumentery on superheroes in the real world. But they were liers, 'cause I watched all those episodes of The Real World and never saw us on there. We must have been "too hot for TV" or somethin'. Maybe they'll invite us to be on the Real World/Road Rules Challenge or something instead. I could kick all their butts, especially that lock-knees playing Ace.

Ruthie's my favorite. Well she was until she went into rehab and became a quitter. Let that be a lesson kids: "Quitters never win and winners never quit drinking."

If you'll excuse me, I have to go get some more headshots done. Photogenic Inferno says Glamourshots is having a special and he got all his done there. Ummm, pass. I'm gonna head back to the Police Department to see if I can get a few copies of my various mugshots.



Blogger oppy00 said...

Dude, it was the Wal*Mart photography place. I got my pics made there. I was just suggesting you go to Glamourshots, so you could save a little money. They're having a holiday special.

Tuesday, 20 December, 2005


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