The more I drink, the stronger I get! And I use that to fight crime...when I'm conscious anyways. So evil-doers beware! But don't do evil during Happy Hour. It's just not right.

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Bad puppy!!

I finally had to punish little ol' Bongo last night. But I think we're both the better for it.

I got home from a hard half day of deconstructioning to find that Bongo had Mofo trapped on top of the fridge. (Does that mean he fridged him?) Let's just say that Mofo was not so happy about being up there. Especially since he was up there for 4 hours, or so he claims.

Apparently when Mofo came back home from wherever he was when I left, Bongo started "terrorising the ever living shit" out of him. He claims Bongo deliberately shot his eye lasers at him to try and kill him. Mofo is always going on about how Bongo wants to kill him, or how Marius sent him to destroy all of us, or how you shouldn't eat peanut butter out of the jar with your fingers.

I asked him that if Bongo was there to kill us all, then why hasn't he attacked any of us? "What the fuck do you think I'm doing up here?" was all I got from him. Well that and the bag of frozen peas he threw.

So I did what any good puppy owner would do. I sat Bongo down, pointed at him, shook my finger, told him he was a bad puppy for fridging Mofo and not to do it again.

Bongo didn't take that so good...

He growled at me and unhinged his little jaw. But I smacked him pretty quickly to show him who's the daddy. While Mofo was pleased with that, he wasn't too thrilled about the Bongo sized hole in the floor.

I went downstairs to get Bongo and bring him back to apologize to Mofo, but he was acting a little weird. He had his tickly, blue sparky stuff going, running around in circles and puppy barking in a weird way. It was kinda fun to watch really.

He calmed down after a little while and conked right out (someone slept good that night). I took him back upstairs and put him on his little dog bed that he made out of car parts. He's been on nothing but his best behavior since then.

See? Sometimes you have to hurt the ones you love so that they don't do the things you don't love, or something like that.



Blogger oppy00 said...

Glad to hear Bongo is alright, after your "discipline"

Tuesday, 20 December, 2005


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