Dear Liquid Courage: Episode III: Bongo Strikes Back!
Ok. I know it's been a while since we did this, but honestly I just kinda forgot about it. That happens from time to time., if you have a question that only the most alcohol drinkin', butt kickin', puppy pettin', question answerin' superhero can help you with; feel free to ask ME, Liquid Courage!
I'll be taking questions all today/tonight and tomorrow morning, and I'll answer them Friday afternoonish. If I can. You never know when I'll have to drink some cold ones and thwart some baddies.
So remember to leave your questions in the comment section right under here before Friday afternoon.
Hi Liquid Courage!
I was wondering, where do babies come from?
Tuesday, 13 December, 2005
Little Suzie,
In my experiences I have found that this is where babies come from:
You see, when a man and a woman both get very drunk, they are often very attracted to each others. and they show each other how much they likes each other by kissing and stuff. the next thing the man know he is waking up in some strange place next to someone he does not want to be next to, leaves as fast as he can without waking up coyote-face hoping never to see her again. then she shows up 15 months later with some screaming demon from Hell claiming that the night he doesn't remember created that baby and he has to help support it. then he goes and gets a praternity test to show her its not his and to go pawn off that sonic death monkey on one of the other superheroes, I mean guys, that she's helped provide an unmemorable night with. and he lives happily ever after.
So little Franklin, do you see where babies come from now?
Wednesday, 14 December, 2005
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