Well, today started off with a bang. Well, not really. More of a "ring ring ring". That was the sound of the phone if you didn't know. I got a telephone call at about, oh 10 minutes ago. It's like 4 now. That appears to have been my wake up call.
Today was my first day on the job with the City. And I slept through it. Well, not all of it. If I wanted to, I could make the last few minutes I guess. But I might as well make it a full day.
So the lady who called the other day called me today. She didn't sound real happy. The fact that I could put down the telephone and still hear her yelling clued me in. I thought I was for sure canned on my first day (again), but she said that The Mayor wanted me to keep my job and it was only because of him that I still have one, even tho my "sorry, drunken ass couldn't manage to show up for my first day". Geez, what a bitch.
So she said that The Mayor told her to tell me that we would have to work something out about me coming in to work on time. He wants me to just kind of come in whenever I can and there will be a list of places to destroy, I mean, "deconstruct". Or if I need it, a person to drive me from place to place...and keep me powered up. Sounds like a sweet deal to me. I told Miss Bitchy that I'd see her "whenever" and hung up. I think I'll bring her a drink or Mydol or something when I go in tomorrow. This job just keeps getting better and better. I like The Mayor.
Well, I'm off to the kitchen to make my lunch/dinner/whatever for tomorrow. I get to put it in my new lunch box that Mofo went out and bought me after he found out I got a new job. Man, he's really excited about this for some reason.

Oh, and I forgot about the hole Ask Liquid Courage thing 'cause I started drinking right after I posted that on the interweb. That's also kind of why I missed my first day of deconstructioning. But it seems noone gave a rat's batoot enuf to even ask me a question, so I think I'm gonna quit asking for questions from peoples on the interweb.
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