By Crikey!
*even longer sigh*
Just when I thought my day couldn't have gotten any damned more annoying or aggrivating...
All right. At work I already had a few mishaps:
Marcus my driver for work dropped me off at the wrong building and I accidentally deconstructed a homeless peoples' shelter, I drank a bottle of rubbing alcohol that got left in the back of Marcus' car, I stepped on a rake and it hit me in the face, some old black lady hit me with her purse for being "some drunk flunky for the Man" or something, I stepped in wet cement...twice, stepped in a bucket, lost my keys to HQ, and stepped in dog poo.....twice. All in the span of my 4 hour work day.
But the day was salvageable until I got home and saw him just down the street.
I tried to avoid eye contact and dove around the corner but he spotted me. I think he heard me hit the trashcans. He came running over to me and just started in on me as usual. There was no getting away from him at that point. I just wanted life to end 'cause noone can put me in such excrutiating pain like he can... I hate him.
Nigel the Liar.
Fucking shit I hate him. The man does nothing but lie. Horribly! I mean, it's so bad that I won't even believe it...anymore anyways.
Last time I saw him he said that he had been made the new Pope for 15 minutes and before they de-Poped him he: legalized gay marraige, punched a nun in the face, took back the apology for the Holocaust and restarted the Spanish Inquisition.
He almost had me except for the legalized gay marriage one. He's about as homophobic as they come. They only come more homophobic like Mofo.
I won't even bother to tell you the crap he started in on me with this time. I was just pissed that I had to walk about a hundred dozen blocks in a messed up pattern so I could lose him and not let him know where our apartment, I mean HQ, is.
God, I hate him.
That guy sounds like a real dousche! Not that I condone this sort of thing, but the Hitman is very professional. I mean why else is Mofo scared shitless of him.
I mean Mofo has a great deal of professional admiration for the guy, or something like that.
Tuesday, 10 January, 2006
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