Yummy in my tummy!
Gobble gobble gobble gobble!!!!
hehehehehe. That's what a turkey says.
Ah, it's that magical time of year again when it's perfectly acceptable for me to lounge around, eat as much as I want, drink 'til I pass out (again) and just watch the football games on TV.
It's Thanksgiving.
And it's quite lonley really. Bongo and I are the only ones here today. Everyone else went to see their families. Mofo went to see Pappa Slappy, SK went back to the Combo to see his Sheety relatives, The Slut went to see her new sugar daddy (no, not the candy. I already asked.), The Reverend is off on some mission feeding everyone in Hungry & Turkey, and Ted went back to San Fransisco or wherever he's from.
So it's just me and Bongo living it up in the apartm...I mean, headquarters until everyone gets back.
But at least I don't have to worry about crime. I haven't heard a peep from the police scammer that we have. So it must be a day for criminals to have off too. Except in Canada and "Minnesota". I don't think they celebrate Turkey Day like we do since they're foreigners. Sucks for them.
Well, I know for a fact that I won't be hearing a peep from Agent Orange (funny, but he was blue...) this year. Not after last year when he disrupted A.S.S.'s Thanksgiving dinner-making. I was so pissed that I beat the ever-living crap out of him with the frozen turkey The Slut was about to cook up. Then I made him apologize to all of us and swear that he would never interrupt our Thanksgiving again or I would shove him in a can of peas and chuck him as far as I could throw it. Harsh, I know; but I was really hungry and ready to eat and I can get cranky when I'm hungry.
So, just me and Bongo hanging out. Alone. Just us. Me eating and drinking. Him eating what I throw away, including the cans (he recycles). Just waiting. *sniff* Alone. Guess I'll just see what Bongo and I can do to amuse ourselves. I think I saw SK's toolbox sitting around ealier, maybe we can fix some stuff.
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