What the hell is this?
Where was I when this happened? I mean, why didn't anyone come and get me/wake me up/something??? Maybe I could have done something! why didn't anyone step in to help fight these evil bastards while I was wherever I was?
SK, you of all people like to go out and get powered up and bust heads like those tow truck guys you like to watch in the parking lot. Flaminco Inferno, you could have done soemthing useful for once! Slut, now you have to buy your own drinks instead of getting hammered for free off frat boys! TED!!!! you're a college student for Christ's sake! What kind of evil bastards do I work with?!
Now where am I supposed to go drink a lot at night...I mean... where am I supposed to watch for evil activities in a convenient spot? Fighting crime by campus with all of the hot hot hot girls isn't cheap, you know. i rely on those specials to help me manage my government check and make it last longer. Now I'm gonna have to spend more and freaking pace myself. One drink at a time is just cruel.
I hate politicians! That's it, I'm going to the courthouse. Again. For personal AND business reasons this time. I'll show them what for.
But...but what about Wings & Beer? Or Pizza & Beer? Or bourbon & Beer? It was all I could eat and drink...or drink and drink.
My righteous fury should be unleashed upon those self-important carpetbaggers who want nothing more than to pad their own billfolds.
...huh? what the hell was that? Wait, did someone say something about beer?
Thursday, 10 November, 2005
Sorry, LC, there was nothing I could do. My therapist doesn't like me going to bars, and he said that my superhero duties where more than enough conflict. In fact he said that just being a superhero was too much stress for me to handle.
Saturday, 12 November, 2005
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