The more I drink, the stronger I get! And I use that to fight crime...when I'm conscious anyways. So evil-doers beware! But don't do evil during Happy Hour. It's just not right.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

donkey lips can't hover much longer cause it's bed time!

HahahahahaHahAHAhaHahhAH! That’s soo funny! Monkey’s can’t use staplers cause they gots and he said that I shoulf just give that little kid an apple cause it just went to the dentist and made fun of all the clowns throwin poop. Poop! I said poop! Poop is funny like like that time Mofo stepped on the garden rake and it hit him in the face and he got mad at me for laughing so he hit me with it and I laughed some more cause it didn’t hurt except I told hjim it wounded my sense of self and he asked me if I knew what that meant and I didn’t remember what it was he was talking about so he just turned and walked off and then he tripped and fell and laid there cussing at me. Hahahahahah, that little sausage is so funny. I like Mofo. I’m glad he’s back. You should see all the booze he just gave me. He said it was a welcome back present, but I told him I didn’t go anywhere that I could remember did i go to the store? and he said it sdidn’t matter but just don’t go anywhere again. so i guess no more pizza runs......ooooh, pizza. i'm gonna order me a big juicy penguin. pEnguin? I meant donut! What was I talking about again? I’m gonna go and buy a monkey! heer monkey monkey


LiqUId Corrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr