The more I drink, the stronger I get! And I use that to fight crime...when I'm conscious anyways. So evil-doers beware! But don't do evil during Happy Hour. It's just not right.

Friday, November 04, 2005

The 6 P's: Proper Prior Planning Prevents Poor Performance

Hmmmm... slow night last night. I was expecting much more villainous activity after that quick spurt of giant robots, radioactive dinosaurs and Mortax the Sorcerer. But alas, quite the opposite. Things have been all quiet on the 'Boro front.

Well, this provides me with the great opportunity to prepare some more inspirational comments and comprehensive directions, as well as designing some new strategies and team-work combinations for us. I'm thinking of teaming The Reverend and Thermonuclear Girl and then possibly bringing in Phlogiston Inferno to be SK's partner. PI could provide the spark we're looking for on the team.

I really believe that we gelled during the battle against Mortax and I can only hope that's the tip of the proverbial iceberg for us. They all seemed to respond well to my leadership, and I hope they look forward to working with me as much as I do with them.

Maybe I need to consider having some more pre-battle meetings. The last one appeared to get everyone on the same page and help us focus on each section of the plan. I think The Reverend especially liked my use of flow-charts. Maybe I'll spice things up this time with a pie chart and a quote from Sun Tzu or perhaps Friedrich Nietzsche. That's sure to inspire them.

And as an added surprise for the team, I'm working on devising a team uniform for all of us to wear! That way we can start to build some "superhero credibility" and "brand recognition". I think they're going to really like them.

Formerly "LC"


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