No way, Jose!
That's just an expression people. This has nothing to do with Jose the guy that gives me burritos and big beers at my favorite Mexican place. He's nice. He talks funny too. I don't know what "Estúpido, dunken a idiota americano" means, but i think it's something about him admiring how much I can drink.
Any-hoo, I'm saying "no way Jose" to Mofo's old best friend (I'm his new best friend), Marius Maxwell (i'll call him Mary for short. hee hee). Apparently, Mary (hee hee) broked out of prison and is coming after Mofo. I don't know why, but I guess it's the usual dick supervillain thing they usually do. You know, come looking for revenge only to get a face full of big, blue mail box.
So this Mary (still funny) is probably going to use some overly dramatic scheme to kill Mofo. Like ringing the doorbell and shooting him in the face with a gun that launches man eating sea bass, or stealing his shoes and putting poison-tipped jacks all over the floor, or abducting him off the street and placing him in secluded basement and chained up so he has to cut his leg off, or maybe he will just blow up the entire apartment with enough C4 to destroy an aircraft carrier. Who knows?
But I'll be there to stop it, beer in hand. 'Cause noone hurts my bestest friend, Mofo. Now that Disco Inferno guy? Whatever. He gave me a warm beer last night. Dick.
Excuse me, I have to wrap this up. Someone's at the door. I think I ordered Chinese.
yeah... but i have a tendency to forget where I'm going. sooo, i'll need some directions. unless we're going to the bar. i always know where that is. and the store. and McDonald's. oooh! and the pet store with that cute little brown dog, not the one with the mean bunny. that place smells funny. kind of like The Reverend's little "prayer nook".
Monday, 14 November, 2005
First of all Disco, sucks! Second of all you were all out of booze and you asked if there were any beers left over from tailgating from Sat. I said, "probably one or two, but they are warm." You said, "I don't give a (explative deleted) I just want a (explative deleted) beer!" I think the Slut came home a few minutes later with a bottle of Boone's Farm, which kept you happy for a few while. So, don't blame the damn warm beer on me. Drunken bastard.
Tuesday, 15 November, 2005
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