The more I drink, the stronger I get! And I use that to fight crime...when I'm conscious anyways. So evil-doers beware! But don't do evil during Happy Hour. It's just not right.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

“Maskhole” 2: Electric Maskaloo

Kick ass!

I was downtown a little while ago, and some little kid asked me if I was the Super Duper Liquid Courage. I was all like: “Sure am, little whipper smacker.” He was all like: “Wow! A real, live super hero! The kind that can throw cars around and whatnot! Not one of those loser maskholes like The Masked Mofo!”

….. Holy crap. That kid just said “maskhole”. It’s already catching on.

And just for the record, I never called Mofo a loser. Just a maskhole. Mofo's actually been on a pretty impressive winning streak here lately. So no loser. Just a maskhole.



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