The more I drink, the stronger I get! And I use that to fight crime...when I'm conscious anyways. So evil-doers beware! But don't do evil during Happy Hour. It's just not right.

Monday, August 21, 2006

I’ll have the chicken fajita nachos and 7 big beers please.

Sometimes it’s nice just to sit down and have a meal with the ones you love. And if you don’t have them, the guys you work with are ok to eat with too.

So me, Mofo, SK and The Reverend all went to eat lunch together the other day. It was nice. We’re all pretty busy in the day now, but we just wanted to spend a little quality time with each other. SK has switched to the day shift, Mofo took a break from his Gilmore Girls on dvd marathon, The Rev from whatever the hell it is he does now, and me from umm… well, I was already hangin out at the resteraunt talking to “No Way” Jose the Mexican delivery guy.

It was nice to just cut loose, drink a few brews, tell some funny bad guy stories, say hello to Hard Hat Julio and all his little hard hat hooligans, and just forget about all the bad stuff in the world that we have to deal with. Good times. Good times.

But I still say I heard an explosion outside while we were there. But Mofo was all like “Jesus, man; it’s lunch! There was no explosion, so just let it go alright? Where’s my freaking crispy tacos? Stupid beaners…”



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