“Who wants to be a lame-ass?”
Seriously, did anybody else watch that new “superhero” show last night? That show was totally bogus. (I’m trying to bring “bogus” back)
None of those “heroes” had any kind of actual superpowers. But some of them did have pretty nifty costumes. Better then any of ours. But I guess the TV people made ‘em for them. Must be nice. I keep having to go to Sam’s and buy my clothes in bulk.
Likes I was saying, that show was bogus. All it was was that crazy comic book writer guy trying to cash in on the peoples’ love for us actual superheroes. Me and SK and PI watched that show and I had to keep Shit Kicker from breaking the tv when he kept gettin pissed at those fakers. Although he would’ve failed that first challenge they had too, because he said and I quote “Forget that kid! You get your ass to the finish line and crack open the first skull you see!” Mr. Comic book Guy would’ve been proud I’m sure.
Then there was Portable Instigator. He wouldn’t shut up about wanting a new costume like some of them on there. “How come they get neat-o costumes and they don’t even fight crime? I have the keen flame powers! I fight crime!” Oh for the love of Mike, shut up! You sound like a broken Barbie record, goin’ on about clothes and stuff. Get over it.
Me? I was fascinated with the chicks. That one in gold had big boobies that I kept waiting for to pop out when she ran around. SK said there was no shot since it was basic cable and not Skinamax. Then there was that Monkey girl. Now I’m kinda thrown off because of the “monkey” part, especially after our whole deal with the monkey-dogs. But still, she was kinda hot. She climbed trees good too. I wonder if you can do it in a tree…
But that Captain Winner guy or whatever his name was, he was great! I wish we had him on our team, super powers or no. He couldn’t be any worse than having Mofo running around. And let’s face it, the guy looks good in tights. He could be our spokesguy!
Dammit man, can't a guy be a little fashion conscious? At least I'm conscious. And I mean in the aware of my surroundings way.
I do think I need to improve my supersuit though. I think maybe I should have a mask of some kind, just for that added secret-identity protection.
Sunday, 30 July, 2006
What? What'd I say?
Monday, 31 July, 2006
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