It's fun....but not REAL fun.
Allright. The ball pit situation is taken care of. No more incominng ants. No more hugenormous ant carcasseses (thank God). And no more jelly beans :-(
I got a couple of guys from the office's "Clean Up" crew to help me clear out the loft and ballpit. The Mayor stopped by to make sure that everything was going smoothe. He also decided to poop on my parade and nix all of the ideas to refill the pit. No Salt & Vinegar chips. No jello. No pudding. No bubble bath. No nothing fun. Apparently dumptruck sized ants are attracted to fun. I hate aunts now.
So I'm back to having little rubber balls in the pit. I mean, it's kinda cool and fun to play with. Ok a lotta fun to play with. But you just can't eat them. Trust me. Well, Bongo can, but I told him to quit cause I don't want him pooping a rainbow of plastik. Although that's got to be better for him than all the rocks and shit he eats outside.
So if any of my Intranet friends want to swing by and play with my balls, just let me know. If I'm not here, just leave me a note on the sign up sheet on the front porch. It's the big white one that says "Sign Ups to Play with My Balls."
The Mayor cut me off before I could even suggest beer or bourbon. He asked if I wanted it to go bad or worse, to have some unwashed buffoon show up looking for free booze. I told him that I have used that shower upstairs every day, so don't start with me. He said he meant the slovenly bums that live all over downtown. I was like, "I don't want any of those A.S.S.holes over any time soon, especially Mofo so we don't have to worry about it."
And it's not that I don't like the Police, but I don't think they're really cool enough to want to play in the ballpit. And the Mayor allready told me he thinks it's a bit childish and beneath him. But for me to knock myself out.
Tuesday, 28 February, 2006
It does sound fun, but I think I'll pass on playing with your balls, sorry pal.
Thursday, 02 March, 2006
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