1 is the lonelyest #
Well, that's what they say. But I think it's got to be -3684377 'cause that's just kind of a messed up number that none of the other numbers would wanna be friends with it.
Sorry, I didn't meen to get all mathematicall on you. Whoa. Its hard to type tonight. I cant type so goood cause i've been drinkin. And not to fight bad guys. It's actually kinda slow lately. Just those fuking Ants that gave me back rubber balls. Which by the way I had to take down that signup to play in the pit cause Lacey (the mayors' recepshunist) said that that sign meant something totally different from whut it was sposed to mean. But she said she'd sign up if I wanted to keep the sign up anyways. I guess she likes playing in the ballpit too.
Anyhoo, i been drinkin 'cause I'm a bit lonely to. Kinda like -3684377. Not that i dont have friends, cause I doo. Lots of em to. at the Orfice. at the bar. And the other bar. And the store. and MickyD's. Well, i meen I know them and they kno me. And there nice to me. but I need.......i need a um.....i need a girlfriend. or something.
Their. I sed it. Fine, i'm lonelly. I meen, Bongos all kinds of fun and he knows tricks and will listen to me with his super stretched ear even when he's in another room (he's taken a fancy to the ballpit again), butt he's just not the kind of friend you want to have benefits with you know. Not the French benefits eether.
So I think i'll put an ad up on one of thos dating sites. Like the one with that funny old guy or Dr. Phil. But not toonight. I can't type so good and I know better than to try and do that when I been drinking. Give me some credit.
So all yous intranet hottys that want to hook up with your favorite superhero (me), be on the look out for my personel ad later tomorrow.
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