The more I drink, the stronger I get! And I use that to fight crime...when I'm conscious anyways. So evil-doers beware! But don't do evil during Happy Hour. It's just not right.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

It's about damned time.

The Canadians are finally starting to repay the world for Celine Dion:

Not since Mr. Wizard have I been this interested in science. Well, there was that time when Mofo and I fought "The Professor" and Mofo had me destroy his lab because he said "The Professor" was evil and cloning monsters and planning on turning all beer non-alcoholic. So I did. I did it pretty good too. Turns out, "The Professor" wasn't evil. The Reverend says he was really Mofo's 10th grade Chemistry teacher who failed him and made him re-take the class again the next year. I guess Mofo can hold a grudge.

Well, back to my own, personal research. I have a hypo-thesis that combining milk, pizza, donuts, gummy bears, hotdogs, sesame chicken, ice cream and lots of hot fudge will be the best milkshake ever.



Blogger oppy00 said...

well you shouldn't have to worry about ovarian cancer anymore.

Thursday, 01 December, 2005

Blogger Liquid Courage said...

Thank goodness! I mean, I know I'm nigh-invulnerable and everything, but you have to worry about your insides and stuff. Especially when I'm not powered up. Now I know my overies are good to go.

Thursday, 01 December, 2005


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