The more I drink, the stronger I get! And I use that to fight crime...when I'm conscious anyways. So evil-doers beware! But don't do evil during Happy Hour. It's just not right.

Friday, October 14, 2005

Sometimes people are nice.

I was passed out on the corner last night after finishing one of those Wet Willie’s “Call a Cab”s and when I woke up, I had a cup full of change and dollar bills. I think people knew who I was and decided to help fight crime in their own ways, by donating to the cause.

I get thanked a lot too. Just last week some guy told me : "Well, fuck! Thanks a lot. Now I get to rebuild this damned brick wall all over again. Thanks a lot you freakin' drunk." I'm glad I could help him. He seemed like he was dissatisfied with his previous wall. I can't blame him, it didn't hold up well when that dumpster I threw at Dr. Chronos the Timebender hit it. I like to imagine that nice man whistling a merry tune as he builds it again brick by brick. :)

It's good to see that average, non-super citizens are trying to stand up for themselves and help each other by helping us. They care about the gooderment of Mankind (not Mick Foley), and the appreciate us helping them all the time too. It's like Mofo always says: "It's always good to help the common peon. Lord knows those retards can't help themselves."

I'm gonna go and ponder how we can ALL help improve the world and then meditate for a while.
(Sponsor's note: By that, I think he means drink and pass out.)



Blogger Liquid Courage said...

Thank you for your informative and insightful comment Anonymous. I always appreciate how you can tell us about the most random crap all the time. You remind me of my sponsor, Derek. He know so much crap that it's astounding. Anyways, I will look into your private road constuction ideas later on. Thank you again.


Friday, 14 October, 2005

Blogger Liquid Courage said...

Mmmm... Spam. I like spam, and I think that it is very underrated. But how can meat in a can write emails? That logic is just wrong. I think you have good old Anonymous confused with something else. Like Spam. Which he is not. I see him posting on all kinds of places, and I don't think a can of yummy meat-stuff is capable of emailing and posting about road construction. Unless it was bio-engineered. Then it might be evil and part of a world domination scheme. .......................
Hey! Anonymous is evil Spam! We must take action!


Monday, 17 October, 2005


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